Become a Member of Community Land Acquisition Initiative

Membership of Community Land Acquisition Initiative enables you to play an active part in acquiring the Wallum Heathland at Brunswick Heads for the benefit of the Community.

Membership gives you the opportunity to be part of the decision-making process by attending meetings, where you are able to vote on motions towards the strategy of CLAI and the on-going management of the land, Wallum.

Membership fees are on a sliding scale relative to your capacity or willingness to pay. Each Member has ONE vote, regardless of the Membership Fee they have contributed.

Membership Fees are $100, $50, $20 or $10 per annum.

Fields marked with * are required

Once you have sent your Membership Application Form, please deposit the chosen amount into the CLAI bank account: Community Land Acquisition; BSB: 722-744; Account Number: 100153390